GitLab custom executor for Openstack
Gitlab CI doesn't have built-in support of Openstack but provides the API to add such support via
. In this post I'll demonstrate how to create such drivers.
I've already written about Gitlab CI here. In particular in
Gitlab runner in Openshift. I shared my
experience with using Gitlab CI and Kubernetes executor. In some cases, containers don't fit your
workflows and you would like to run Gitlab CI jobs on real VMs. Gitlab CI provides various executors
including shell
, ssh
, parallels
and virtualbox
that use virtual machines as an environment
for job execution. The problem with shell
and ssh
executors that they don't provide a clean
environment. There might be undesired side-effects and leftovers from prior jobs. As for parallels
and virtualbox
executors they look exotic and a bit outdated solutions. They're just not scalable.
It would much better to leverage the power of one of the cloud providers to provision VMs for our
Gitlab CI jobs.
OpenStack is a free, open standard cloud computing platform. It has REST API to manage instances and that's exactly what we need for our driver. Moreover, Openstack project provides CLI utility and Python SDK. We will use it for creating an Openstack driver for Gitlab CI.
pip install openstacksdk
Custom executor
According the documentation to set up a custom executor for gitlab-runner
we should provide the
following config:
name = "custom"
url = ""
token = "TOKEN"
executor = "custom"
builds_dir = "/builds"
cache_dir = "/cache"
config_exec = "/path/to/config_executable" # optional
config_args = [ "SomeArg" ] # optional
config_exec_timeout = 200 # optional
prepare_exec = "/path/to/prepare_executable"
prepare_args = [ "SomeArg" ] # optional
prepare_exec_timeout = 200 # optional
run_exec = "/path/to/run_executable"
run_args = [ "SomeArg" ] # optional
cleanup_exec = "/path/to/cleanup_executable"
cleanup_args = [ "SomeArg" ] # optional
cleanup_exec_timeout = 200 # optional
graceful_kill_timeout = 200 # optional
force_kill_timeout = 200 # optional
As you can see each Gitlab CI job contains four stages: config
, prepare
, run
and cleanup
Our task is to create scripts for corresponding stages.
It's not a mandatory stage but it's nice to have. An executable in this stage should print to stdout a JSON string with specific keys. In my case the executable is a simple shell script:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
cat << EOS
"driver": {
"name": "Openstack",
"version": "0.0.1"
After adding this to config_exec
job logs are started from these lines:
Running with gitlab-runner 13.12.0 (7a6612da)
on openstack hkLsofs5
Preparing the "custom" executor
Using Custom executor with driver Openstack 0.0.1...
Here we need to provision a VM where the job scripts will be executed. We will use python and
package. Besides we will need paramiko
package. It's a well-known python
implementation of SSH for both the server and the client. We use paramiko
in this stage to check
if the VM is ready to accept commands via SSH. Here is the script I've created:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
import traceback
import openstack
import paramiko
# a module that contains required parameters to set up VMs and an SSH connection.
import env
def provision_server(conn: openstack.connection.Connection) -> openstack.compute.v2.server.Server:
image = conn.compute.find_image(env.BUILDER_IMAGE)
flavor = conn.compute.find_flavor(env.FLAVOR)
network =
server = conn.compute.create_server(
security_groups=[{"name": env.SECURITY_GROUP}],
return conn.compute.wait_for_server(server, wait=600)
def get_server_ip(
conn: openstack.connection.Connection, server: openstack.compute.v2.server.Server
) -> str:
return list(conn.compute.server_ips(server))[0].address
def check_ssh(ip: str) -> None:
ssh_client = paramiko.client.SSHClient()
# RSASHA256Key is not a part of mainline paramiko. I took it from this PR
pkey = paramiko.rsakey.RSASHA256Key.from_private_key_file(env.PRIVATE_KEY_PATH)
def main() -> None:
print("Connecting to Openstack", flush=True)
conn = openstack.connect()
print(f"Provisioning an instance {env.VM_NAME}", flush=True)
server = provision_server(conn)
ip = get_server_ip(conn, server)
print(f"Instance {env.VM_NAME} is running on address {ip}", flush=True)
print("Checking SSH connection", flush=True)
print("SSH connection has been established", flush=True)
except Exception:
# gitlab-runner expects a certain exit code in case of failure.
if __name__ == "__main__":
I believe it's really straightforward and it's clear what the script does. But there are a couple of moments I'd like to highlight.
Paramiko and RSA keys
When I was playing with paramiko
to test how it works with VMs SSH I got Authentication error
exception. It was very confusing because the OpenSSH client connected without any issue with the
same private key. I even generated a key using paramiko
and then tried to authenticate but no
luck. I found out that paramiko
doesn't support modern RSA algorithms. There is a
PR that adds this functionality and I had to build
and install paramiko
from it in order to get it working.
pip install -U git+
print() flush
During the testing, I noticed that job logs are displayed in Gitlab UI not immediately but only
when the script finished. That was the strange and undesired effect. The issue was in the default
behavior of the python print()
function. For sake of performance reasons stdout in python is
buffered. The output will be emitted only when the buffer is filled. In order to forcibly flush
the buffer print()
has boolean flush
parameter. When I set flush=True
in all print()
job logs in Gitlab UI got live streaming.
A VM is provisioned and we can connect to it via SSH. Now we can execute some commands and scripts.
generates shell scripts from job definitions then it dumps them to the file system
and passes a path as an argument to our run
executable. Our
should read that script and
send its content directly to the stdin of some shell interpreter. In my case it's /bin/bash
. Here
is the content of
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
import openstack
import paramiko
import env
def get_server_ip(conn: openstack.connection.Connection) -> str:
server = list(conn.compute.servers(name=env.VM_NAME, status="ACTIVE"))[0]
return list(conn.compute.server_ips(server))[0].address
def execute_script_on_server(ssh: paramiko.client.SSHClient, script_path: str) -> int:
# paramiko's exec_command() returns a tuple of stdin, stdout, stderr
# file-like objects
stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command("/bin/bash")
# Read the script content and send it to the remote bash stdin.
# We emulate this shell command:
# ssh user@host /bin/bash <
with open(script_path) as f:
# Here we read the output line by line but only first 2048 bytes. It
# prevents possible overflows if a line is huge.
for line in iter(lambda: stdout.readline(2048), ""):
# Don't forget to flush the buffer for live log streaming
print(line, sep="", end="", flush=True)
# When the script execution finished we save the exit code.
exit_status =
if exit_status != 0:
# In case of non 0 exit code print stderr as well.
for line in iter(lambda: stderr.readline(2048), ""):
print(line, sep="", end="", flush=True)
return exit_status
def get_ssh_client(ip: str) -> paramiko.client.SSHClient:
ssh_client = paramiko.client.SSHClient()
pkey = paramiko.rsakey.RSASHA256Key.from_private_key_file(env.PRIVATE_KEY_PATH)
return ssh_client
def main() -> None:
conn = openstack.connect()
ip = get_server_ip(conn)
ssh_client = get_ssh_client(ip)
# gitlab-runner passes a path to the script in the first argument. We read
# that value in sys.argv[1]
exit_status = execute_script_on_server(ssh_client, sys.argv[1])
if exit_status != 0:
# gitlab-runner expects a certain exit code in case of a build failure.
if __name__ == "__main__":
Clean up
Let me quote the official docs:
This final stage is executed even if one of the previous stages failed. The main goal for this stage is to clean up any of the environments that might have been set up. For example, turning off VMs or deleting containers.
is simple:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import openstack
import env
def main() -> None:
conn = openstack.connect()
# During the prepare stage several VMs with the same name might be created.
# Delete them all.
for server in conn.compute.servers(name=env.VM_NAME):
if __name__ == "__main__":
Sequence diagrams
Here are sequence diagram of the workflow:
I hope you got the idea of how to create your own driver for the custom executor. But
I'd like to go further. It would be also nice to pack gitlab-runner
with our
scripts into a container image. Later it can be deployed on a VM or
a container orchestration system such as Kubernetes. I prefer to build
from the sources and using the multistage building. Here you will
find the content of the Containerfile.
You can pull the latest prebuilt image from
Just pull the image and run a container with some environment variables. They are required to set up connections to your Openstack and VM's SSH:
podman run -it \
-e PRIVATE_KEY="$(cat <private key filename>)"
--env-file=env.txt \
cat env.txt
RUNNER_TAG_LIST=<your value>
RUNNER_NAME=<your value>
CI_SERVER_URL=<your value>
RUNNER_BUILDS_DIR=<your value>
RUNNER_CACHE_DIR=<your value>
CONCURRENT=<your value>
FLAVOR=<your value>
BUILDER_IMAGE=<your value>
NETWORK=<your value>
KEY_PAIR_NAME=<your value>
SECURITY_GROUP=<your value>
USERNAME=<your value>
OS_AUTH_URL=<your value>
OS_PROJECT_NAME=<your value>
OS_USERNAME=<your value>
OS_PASSWORD=<your value>
OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME=<your value>
OS_REGION_NAME=<your value>
OS_INTERFACE=<your value>
The full description of the environment variables and other details you will find in the repository